Check in is at 4pm.
What time is check in?
What time is check out?
Check out is at 11am.
Is the property Dog friendly?
Yes, we are Dog friendly here at BeachGate. It does vary by unit so check with the office to make sure your room is pet friendly. *NOTE THAT WE ARE ONLY DOG FRIENDLY*
Is the pool heated?
Yes, we do have one heated pool with a connecting hot tub.
What are the pool hours?
The pools are open from 8am - 10pm.
Is there a place to grill food?
Yes, we do have 5 outdoor BBQ pits that guests can use to cook food.
Are dogs allowed in the pool area?
No, pets are not allowed in any of the fenced in pool areas.
Are you right on the beach?
Yes, we are right on the beach in between beach marker 8 and 9.
Do you have a boardwalk to the beach?
We have our own walking path and private driveway to the beach.
Where is the office located?
The office is located in building 4, which is the yellow building right next to the pool.
Are all the units the same?
No, everything here is individually owned, so units of the same room type will still vary by style and decoration.
Do you have hotel rooms?
Yes, we have a variety of hotel 1 and 2 queen units right here on the beach.